安装 安装说明 FlexiServer initial setup When you first run FlexiServer, the setup wizard page will open using your default browser (or you can click on "Open" button on the toolbar to start it). View the manual topic Initial Setup for more details. > 登录到服务器 输入您的电子邮件和密码,然后单击"登录"。 有关详细信息,请查看手动主题"如何登录"。 添加员工 有关详细信息,请查看手动主题"如何添加员工?" Install FlexiServer Client Software- FlexiStation FlexiStation is the client-side software of FlexiServer system. Every user in the system, including administrator users, need to install a FlexiStation client to connect to the server. FlexiStation will log user's activity and screenshots and send them to FlexiServer. FlexiServer then can utilize this information to analyze a user's performance at work. - FlexiStation 还允许用户向同一团队中的其他用户发送弹出消息、输入手动工作时间、填写休假申请表以及访问他们自己的个人配置文件。
- 具有经理访问权限的用户可以通过登录到 FlexiStation 来查看其员工的实时屏幕。
- 通过在每个用户的计算机上运行 FlexiStation 安装文件 (fstasetup.exe),可以安装 FlexiStation。
开始使用员工管理工具 View the following manual topics for more information on the employee management tools available with FlexiServer. |