The Auto-Dialer tab of the Axon Web Control allows the Axon administrator to manage lists of customer contacts to be used in outbound dialing campaigns.

Dialing lists are at the core of an outbound campaign. They are a list of customers, phone numbers, and call dispositions. When creating a list you can copy the data from an existing list, import the data from a file or text, or manually add each entry to the list.

If you wish to import from a file, it must be plain text in the format Name,Address,Phone,... with one record per line. Fields after Phone will be ignored if present. If you are creating it in Excel, save it as a comma seperated file (.csv) and not an Excel spreadsheet.

If you wish to enter items manually you must select the "Populate the list with the following customer data" option and leave the input area blank.

After you have created a list you can edit each of the records individually to store address, name, and comments among other things. These changes will exist only in the current list, so changing a name in a copied list will not change it in the list it was copied from. These pieces of information can also be edited by agents through the Axon Agent application. View that application's help for more information on this.

If you need a copy of Axon Agent for use with the dialer, you can find it at