Depending on your needs, you can choose which format you would like to save your PDF in. When printing your document, PDF files can be created in either text or image format.

To select either text or image format, open the Bolt PDF properties window from the document application's print options dialog. This is usually done with the "Properties" or "Preferences" button near the printer selection drop-down menu, but may vary from application to application.

Differences Between Formats

Text Format:

This is a vector format. When text format is selected, Bolt PDF will attempt to create the PDF document as a searchable, editable document. This format is ideal for office documents and spreadsheets.



Image Format:

This is a raster format. The image format is best for documents containing a large number of images or with special text formatting. An exact replica of the original document will be created. However, the resulting PDF file cannot be edited or searched like a text format PDF. Use the image format for presentation documents and web sites.



NOTE: Both the image and text formats can be used to save vector or raster images and graphics in PDF.