The main window of BroadCam is composed of below 6 parts:

Menu and Toolbar

By clicking Tools->Record new video to launch Debut Video Capture Software, you can capture video and save as it a file. And then stream it in BroadCam.

Other functionalities of buttons and menu items can be found in Screen References section. help

Live Video Streams

Here you can manage all live cameras Camera Sources

Pre-Recorded Video Files

Here you can manage all pre-recorded video files Video Sources

Preview window

Your selected stream is played in this window

Statistics and Control Panel

Statistics panel:

Control Panel:

Here is the button to start/stop BroadCam server, and the status of server is shown to the user.

BroadCam server can have these status:

Log window

Here you can see the log information of the server. And connection information for your streams