Use Right Click to bring up context menu to quickly issue editing commands.
Click on the visible part of a shape or a line to select the object.
If the object has child object (e.g., text fields), clicking on the child object when the parent object is selected will select the child object.
Click and drag to draw a selection rectangle on the screen. Objects encompassed by the rectangle will be selected.
Hold down Shift key to append selected objects to current the selection.
Hold down Control key to add the objects to or remove them from current the selection.
Pressing the Delete key when an object is selected will remove the object from the diagram.
Press Ctrl + D or select Duplicate under File->Edit to duplicate the selected object.
Press Ctrl + F or select Find under File->Edit to search text inside symbols.
Press Ctrl + Shift + C or select Center Selected Object(s) under File->Edit to move selected object(s) to the center of the canvas.
Press Ctrl + C or select Copy from the Edit tab toolbar to copy the selected object to the clipboard.
From the context menu, select Copy Text to copy the selected text to the clipboard.
Press Ctrl + X or select Cut from the Edit tab toolbar to copy the selected object to the clipboard and remove it from the diagram.
Press Ctrl + V or select Paste from the Edit tab toolbar to paste the contents of the clipboard to the diagram.
From the context menu, Select Paste without formatting to paste the contents (without the format) of the clipboard to the diagram.
Press Ctrl + Z or select Undo from the Edit tab toolbar to undo the last change.
Press Ctrl + Y or select Redo from the Edit tab toolbar to redo the last undone change.
Press Ctrl + A to select all unlocked objects. If there is only locked objects, all objects will be selected.
Symbols and text can be locked to keep them in place and turn them unselectable. This function serves to not move a symbol or text accidentally when rearranging or moving around elements. Likewise, Unlock will release that symbol or text from its unselectable state.
From the context menu, select Copy Properties to copy the selected object's properties (line, fill and font) to the clipboard.
From the context menu, select Paste Properties to apply the properties (line, fill and font) from the clipboard contents to the selected object(s).
There are two ways to typing/editing text:
Hyperlink works the same as in usual word editors.
Click on Image button from the Home tab toolbar, a dialog will popup and allow you to select the image file to insert.
After chosen the image file, click OK to close the dialog.
And image is load and following the cursor when you move the mouse. Left click when the cursor is moved to the appropriate position to place the image.
Click Turn on/off snap to grid button at the right side of the status bar to toggle grid snapping on/off. Press and hold Ctrl for alternate snapping.
When snapping to grid is turned on, position, size and rotation will only increase/decrease at a fixed step. This helps users to align objects much more easily.
Snapping step size (snapping grid size or snapping angle) can be set in Options dialog Edit tab.
Grid line can be shown/hidden by clicking on the grid toggle button (an opened eye with grid background) on the status bar.
Click Turn on/off snapping to object button at the right side of the status bar to toggle object snapping on/off. Press and hold Ctrl for alternate snapping.
Functionality is almost the same with snapping to grid, but this option uses the nearest object(s) instead as the reference when creating the snap points.
This snapping option is automatically enabled when grid and object snapping are both turned off.
What is does is that it takes two objects at a time and creates points before the first object and after the second object. When a user places a new object near the created snap points, the object will be automatically moved allowing uniform spacing among the objects.
Symbols can be grouped together and treated as a single symbol.
To create a group simply select the symbols you wish grouped and press G.
Groups can be broken up again later by pressing Shift + G.
A new blank diagram can be opened by clicking the + button located beside the tab of opened projects.
Also, new template window can be opened by holding Ctrl and clicking the + button located beside the tab of opened projects.
To vertically align objects, select the objects, press right click, select Vertically Align, and choose any of the options Left edge, Center, and Right edge.
Select Left edge to align all selected objects to the left most edge.
Select Center to align all selected objects to the center.
Select Right edge to align all selected objects to the right most edge.
To horizontally align objects, select the objects, press right click, select Horizontally Align, and choose any of the options Top edge, Center, and Bottom edge.
Select Top edge to align all selected objects to the top most edge.
Select Center to align all selected objects to the center.
Select Bottom edge to align all selected objects to the bottom most edge.
To evenly space objects, select the objects, press right click, select Evenly space shapes, and choose between Vertical, or Horizontal spacing.
Select Vertical to space selected objects from top to bottom.
Select Horizontal to space selected objects from left to right.
To edit inserted image using DrawPad, select Edit with DrawPad Graphic Editor from the context menu.
To edit inserted image using PhotoPad, select Edit with PhotoPad Image Editor from the context menu.
Press Tab to add subtopic in Brainstorming Diagram or select Add Subtopic from the context menu.
Press Tab to add ancestor in Family Tree Diagram (Person type) or select Add ancestor from the context menu. Note that only 2 ancestors can be added per Person symbol