Import Items

Copper Point of Sale Software

Help v 3.06

The following fields can be imported into item records:

  • Item Code - A unique identifier for the item. This could be a barcode number or an identifier number or a short descriptive string. It cannot be longer than 25 characters.
    Examples: 381370092346, ITEM0001, WHEAT BREAD
  • Description - A description of the item. It is typically limited to 259 characters.
    Examples: Dental Floss, Granola Bars w/Raisins, Golden Wheat Bread
  • Price - The sale price of the item, using the format defined in the regional settings. If you are using a currency other than dollars, please configure the currency before importing. It is not necessary to include the currency symbol.
    Examples: $1.99, 2.54, 0.89
  • Tax - (Optional) The name of the tax to apply to this item. If blank, the default tax applies. It can also be "Default" or "None". Please set up taxes in Copper before importing items that use taxes.
    Examples: Sales Tax, Default, None, Riverton Sales Tax
Import Items© NCH Software
NCH Software