Screen References - Options ~ Sync Apps

Copper Point of Sale Software

Help v 3.06

Copper Synchronization Settings

Do not synchronize items. Items are local to this computer only.

Check this option to disable client and server synchronization behavior.

Synchronize this installation of Copper as a client of Inventoria or Copper

Check this option to permit Copper to connect remotely with either Inventoria or Copper for downloading current item data and uploading quantity changes.

Access Authentication Code (must match the server program):

Enter the code that Copper will use to connect to a server Inventoria or Copper.

Address or IP number of server program (not including 'http://'):

Enter the address or IP of the server program to which Copper should connect.

Port number used by server program:

Enter the port number used by the server program to accept web connections. Inventoria has a default port number of 1097 and Copper has a default of 1096.

Location name for this business profile:

Select or enter the name of the location in the server Inventoria which corresponds to the current business profile in Copper.

Retrieve Locations

Use this button to request a list of locations existing in the server Inventoria.

Update Now

Use this button to immediately perform an item synchronization using the current settings.

Allow Copper to act as a server for other installations of Copper

Check this option to permit other instances of Copper to connect remotely for downloading current item data.

Access Authentication Code (must be entered in client program):

Enter a code that other instances of Copper will use to connect to this business in Copper.

Screen References - Options ~ Sync Apps© NCH Software
NCH Software