Screen References - Manual Item Entry

Copper Point of Sale Software

Help v 3.06

Use the Manual Item Entry button, located on the main screen above the transaction list, to add an item that does not have a barcode, or cannot be found in the Items List (requires a keyboard).

Item Quantity:

Enter the quantity of the item being sold.

Item Code:

Enter the code of the item being sold, if applicable.

Item Description:

Enter the full description you want to be displayed on the receipt.

Unit Value (price or rate):

Enter the price of a single item.


Enter any discount as a percentage reduction of the Unit Value.


Select the tax rate that applies. If you only see 'None' you may first need to configure the Tax Options (Options from the main window then click the Tax tab).

Add this item permanently to Items List

Check this box to create this item permanently, i.e., the item will be added to the items list repository, as well as, to this transaction.

Screen References - Manual Item Entry© NCH Software
NCH Software