The Credit Card Gateways tab of the Options dialog is where credit card payments are configured, so that you can accept credit card payments from customers using Copper Point of Sale Software. Credit card gateways can virtually take the place of physical credit card swipe machines and process your customer's payments securely. A list of the available credit card gateways appears on this tab. If you do not see any gateways, click the Update List button to refresh the list. By updating the list, you will see credit card gateways that have been tested with Copper Point of Sale Software. To configure settings for a gateway, select it from the list so that its name is highlighted, and click the Options button. To enable a credit card gateway for charging customers, check the box to the left of its name. Only one credit card gateway can be selected at a time. Note that if you do not enable a gateway by checking its box, credit card charging with Copper Point of Sale Software will not be possible. For more information about each of the supported gateways, click the links below: Supported Currencies Currently, only currencies with two decimal places (such as US dollars) are supported. Currencies with zero or three decimal places are not yet supported. To use a currency other than US dollars, please set the default currency in your credit card gateway interface. Then run a few small test transactions and then review the merchant interface to make sure the results are as expected. Charge Customers via online Credit Card Gateway - Select this option to enable credit card charging functionality. If you are using a self-contained external credit card machine instead, do not select this. Configure... - Configure or adjust the settings for the selected account. Update List - Connect to the internet and check for updates, or for support for additional gateways.
HARDWARE DEVICES Use this section to configure a USB credit card reader. Currently, only some MagTek readers and generic keyboard-mode readers are supported. Show all devices - Check this box to show USB devices connected to your computer, even if they aren't recognized as card readers. Refresh - Updates the list of attached USB devices. Configure - Select an item in the list and click "Configure" to set up a card reader to work with Copper. |