"The refund feature in Copper allows a salesperson to process and record items returned by customers.

Processing a Refund

Refunds are processed from Refunds window and it can be accessed from toolbar button on main window. Refund processing is a two step process: adding returned items, and recording the refund.

Adding Items to a Refund Transaction

If necessary, use the New Refund button located in the lower right corner to clear all items and information from the previous transaction. There are several ways to add a new item to a transaction:

You may be able to Adjust Quantity and Adjust Unit Value of the added items in the list depending on item types and past transaction types.

Recording the Refund

When at least one item has been added to a new refund transaction, and you are ready to process and record the refund, click or press the Process Refund button.

Select the refund method to be used, and enter the amount refunded to the customer. Copper will calculate the amount of change to receive if any as you enter the refund amount, and will display this in the field below.

When you have entered the correct refund details, and returned the correct change to the customer, click the 'Record' button to save the refunded transaction.

Coupons in a Refund

When creating a refund, coupons must be selected for each refund. If a coupon is not included, the refund price will be greater.