Screen References - Options ~ Regional

Copper Point of Sale Software

Help v 3.06

Regional Format Settings

Currency Symbol:

This is the symbol used for money in your country - usually $.

Currency Order:

Use this option to select if the currency symbol is before the number (e.g., $10.00), or after the number (e.g., 10.00$).

Currency Digits:

Use this option to set the number of digits after the decimal point.

Decimal Symbol:

This is the symbol used for the decimal point - usually a dot everywhere but in Europe, where a comma is used.

Thousands Symbol:

This is the symbol used to separate thousands - usually a comma.

Number of Decimal Places For Quantity:

This is the number of digits that will appear to the right of the decimal place when displaying quantities. Note that this does not apply to currency amounts.

Rounding Settings

The rounding feature allows Copper to round (up/down) the total amount for transactions to the selected interval when processing the payments. Rounding becomes necessary when lower denomination of coins are unavailable to tender for cash payment type transactions. Note that if you apply the exact total due amount to payment, rounding won't be applied even if the feature is active, because it eliminates the necessity to provide any change back to the customer.

Rounding Type:

Use this option to enable and disable rounding totals, and select rounding types.

Rounding Interval:

Use this option to set the rounding interval. E.g.: if setting to nearest 5 cents, select $0.05 from the pull-down list.

Rounding Rule:

Use this option to specify rounding rules.

Round each item individually

Use this option to round each item in an order separately. Otherwise, rounding is applied only after the order total is calculated.

Print Settings

Printed Date Format:

This is the date format used for printing and PDF generation

Paper Size:

This is the paper size used for PDF generation and when the default printer is used.

Side Margin (inches):

Enter the measurement, in inches, that printed content will appear from the paper edges along the left and right sides.

Top and Bottom Margin (inches):

Enter the measurement, in inches, that printed content will appear from the paper edges along the top and bottom.

Screen References - Options ~ Regional© NCH Software
NCH Software