Copper's reporting ability can be used as a valuable performance analysis tool. To access Copper's reports, click on the Reports button on the main window toolbar. Then, select the menu item for the report you wish to view. You will then be asked to select a report category and to provide a date range for the reporting period. Copper provides the following reports for both sales and refunds categories: - Transactions - View all transactions within the selected reporting period, including salesperson and amount.
- Salespeople - View total sales made or refunds processed by each salesperson within the selected reporting period, including percentage by totals for each salesperson.
- Items - View the total quantity of each item sold or refunded within the selected reporting period, including total values for each item. The item values do not take into account coupon discounts or taxes.
- Taxes - View the total taxes of different types applied on transactions within the selected reporting period.
- Payment Methods - View the report of payment methods of different types (such as cash, check, credit, etc.) applied on transactions within the selected reporting period.
Each reporting screen provides the following actions: - Preview - Preview the report to see how it will be printed.
- Print - Send the report to a printer.
- Save as PDF - Save the report as a PDF file.
- Save as CSV - Save the report as a CSV file, which can be opened in a spreadsheet application.
- Email - Send the report as a PDF file to a recipient via email. You must set up email settings from the General tab in Options before you can send email from Copper.
- Fax - Send the report to a recipient via Fax. You must set up fax settings from the General tab in Options before you can send faxes from Copper.