Screen References - Restore

Copper Point of Sale Software

Help v 3.06

This feature restores the previously backed up data in Copper data repository.

Warning: When you do restore, all the current data will be over-written or deleted permanently from the Copper data storage folder, and it will be replaced by the restored data. Thus, it is highly recommended to back up the current data before performing restore operation.

How to restore

  1. Login to your account using root user credentials. Root user is the first user created when installing the Copper for the very first time.
  2. Select the 'Restore data...' submenu item under 'Tools' menu.
  3. Confirm by clicking 'Yes' on the popup query message if you want to continue restore operation. (See 'Warning' above)
  4. Select the parent folder where Copper backed up data is pren. Generally, the parent folder name has format 'Copper-Backup-YYYY-MM-DD'.
  5. Click OK to start restoring.
Screen References - Restore© NCH Software
NCH Software