Screen References - Salespeople List

Copper Point of Sale Software

Help v 3.06

This screen lists all the salespeople who are allowed to use Copper. Before salespeople can use Copper, they must first Log On. It is not mandatory, but it is strongly suggested that you assign a password for each salesperson.

You can use this screen to manage the list of salespeople who are allowed to use Copper. The following actions are available:

  • Add - Add a new salesperson to the list so that they may use Copper.
  • Delete - Remove an existing salesperson from the list. Once this is done, the salesperson will no longer be able to use Copper.
  • Edit - Edit the details of an existing salesperson.
  • Email - Send email to the selected salesperson using your email client software. Note that this action is not affected by the Report Send Settings which are configured via the 'General' tab of the Options Dialog.
  • Telephone - Make a phone call to the selected salesperson using NCH Expresstalk VoIP software. Additional resources are required to activate this feature.
  • Import - Import a list from a CSV file. The following fields are supported: First Name, Last Name, Phone, Phone 2, Email, and Additional Information.

The salespeople list can easily be filtered by entering the filter text in 'Find SalesPerson' input box. The filter string matches in first and last name as well as the phone number, and it is case-insensitive. 'Clear' button clears the filter and displays full salespeople list.

Screen References - Salespeople List© NCH Software
NCH Software