Tablature (TAB) is a form of musical notation indicating instrument fingering rather than musical pitches for guitars and other fretted instruments. To open a blank Tablature score:
- On the Score toolbar, click "New Blank" and select "New Tablature Score",
- Select Menu > File > New Blank Tablature Score, or
- Use shortcut Ctrl+T
You can also use the New Score Wizard to open a Tablature score:
- On the Score toolbar, click “New”, select “Blank” templates, select “Blank Tablature”, then click “Next” and follow the wizard as usual,
- On the Score toolbar, click “New”, select “General” templates, select “Tablature Staff”, then click “Next” and follow the wizard as usual,
- Select Menu > File > New… to open the New Score Wizard and then proceed as above, or
- Use shortcut Ctrl+N to open the New Score Wizard and then proceed as previously
To add Tablature to an existing score, open the Parts and Staves dialog by:
- On the Score toolbar, click the “Parts Setup” or “Parts & Staves” button (can be either name),
- Select “Menu” > “Score” > “Parts and Staves…”, or
- Use the shortcut Ctrl+P
In the Parts and Staves dialog you can add a Tablature:
- To a part by selecting the part, click the “New Staff” button dropdown under the parts and staves list and select “Tablature Stave”, or
- As a new part by clicking the “New Part” button dropdown under the parts and staves list and select “New Part with Tablature Stave”
To add fingering to the Tablature:
- Select a note tool in the same way you would select the tool for placing notes on other staves.
- Click a horizontal line on the TAB to show which string is to be played.
- Select the TAB note, hold down Shift and then scroll the mouse wheel to set the fret number or simply type the fret number using the keyboard. “0” is used to indicate the string is to be played open. On a guitar, fret 1 is the fret next to the bridge nearest the tuning keys.
If the fret number is out of range for the instrument, a semi-transparent red line shows under the fret number.