To select the voice go to the notation tab on and click voices, from the menu select which voice you want new notes created on. Alternatively press the shortcut Ctrl + number keys 1 - 4. It's important to remember to place rests in areas of silence on each voice which is resting.
If you want to hide a voice for clarity, you can hide/show a voice from the menu Voices.
The Display option in the menu Voices allows you to show/hide a voice on the score page.
The Mute option in the menu Voices allows you to make a voice silent if you do not want to hear it in playback.
Initial activated voice of a score is voice 1, which means inserting notes will be placed in voice 1. If you want to insert notes in voice 2 after finishing some notes in voice 1, you can activate voice 2 by clicking "Select Voice 2" on the Voice button under Notation tab. In addition, you can change voice of existing pitches by right-click context menu without change of activated voice.
Note: The current activated voice cannot be hidden or mute.