A typing pool is a named collection of users who have the Typist role. (See Concepts: Users for more information about user roles.) You should create a typing pool when you have more than one typist and you want to automatically assign new dictations to the first one of them that becomes available.

Dictations assigned to a typing pool are automatically assigned to a typist when all of the following conditions are met:

If there are multiple unassigned dictations, the dictation with the highest urgency will be assigned first. The urgency of a dictation is calculated using it's priority, deadline, and relative age.

A typing pool may hold any number of typists, and a typist may be a member of any number of typing pools.

All the typists who understand difficult medical terminology are added to a typing pool called "Medical", and all the typists who understand difficult legal terminology are added to a typing pool called "Legal". A rule is then created for each speaker, targeting their dictations to the appropriate typing pool depending on what terminology the typist will need to understand.