Live Spectrum Analyzer

This tool uses a Discrete Fast Fourier Transform (DFFT) to separate the currently playing audio into its frequency components. To use it, open the Live Spectrum Analyzer dialog via Tools -> Live Spectrum Analyzer.

In the top left corner are the frequency and decibel values of the point in the graph where the mouse cursor is currently pointed. The decibel values range from 0dB (loudest) at the top, down to -127dB (softest). The frequency range is from 0Hz on the left to half of the sample rate that DeskFX uses (48000Hz) at the right.

There are multiple options to save the current FFT graph:

Print the FFT graph image to a printer.
Save FFT Graph to Image
Save the FFT graph image to a file.
Export as CSV
Save frequency and dB value pairs to csv format.