STAGE B - Setting up telephony lines (land-line or VoIP telephone lines)
In order to connect DialDictate to a land-line telephone number you will need either a CAHTA professional telephony board or a TAPI compliant telephony device, such as CURL TAPI boards, or even a standard voice modem. For professional applications we recommend multi-line telephony boards (eg. CAHTA or CURL). See for current recommendations.
Otherwise just sign up with a VoIP telephone company for a local VoIP line capable service (see for recommendations).
With VoIP no special hardware is necessary, as DialDictate connects directly to the telephone exchange using your broadband internet connection.
- [Real Line with Telephony Hardware] Check voice modem / telephony device is listed. From the DialDictate menu select Settings -> General Settings. See that your voice modem(s) or telephony card line(s) are listed in the Telephony Line Devices list. If it is not listed check you have installed the voice modem or voice board correctly (including drivers). If you have there may be a problem with the hardware's TAPI / Wave drivers. See for solutions and more information.
- [VoIP Lines] Enter VoIP details. After you have the number, password and SIP server from your VoIP company, select Settings -> VoIP. Click 'Add' and enter the VoIP Line Details.
- Dial your number. Dial the number of the telephone line the modem / voice board is connected to. If your voice modem or telephony board and drivers are working properly then the response should be similar to when using the call simulator. If it does not answer or there are problems see
- Record and Send a Dictation. Use the "Caller's User Guide" which you printed off earlier to leave a dictation. Now hang up and use see if you can find the dictation using Express Scribe. Always start with a short dictation. If there are response problems see the modem page above.
See also:
Quick Start Guide and Tutorial - Stage C
Professional Telephony Cards
VoIP Telephone Lines
Quick Start Guide and Tutorial