Default Units This is the default unit that you would like DrawPad to use for measuring length. Guide Options Enable Snapping to Other Elements When moving an element, it will automatically snap to other element's edge or middle point. Use the distance field to set how close the moving element is to other to snap Enable Rotation Snapping When rotating an object, it will automatically snap to 90, 180, 270, and 360 degree orientations. This option determines how close you must be to one of those values before the element will snap. Show Grid Lines This option allows you to display grid lines across the canvas at a set interval. Grid Line Increment This is the interval (in default units) between the grid lines. Enable Snapping to Grid Lines Snapping will allow you to quickly and precisely place elements by automatically aligning the edges with the grid lines, or any ruler guides you may have placed. Movement/Resizing Snapping Distance This is how far away an element can be from a guide or grid line before it snaps to it. Show Pixel Grid Lines This option allows you to display grid lines across the canvas at pixel size interval. Can only be enabled when project was zoomed to minimum of 800% Touchpad Options Use Touchpad devices If you have any touchpad devices attached to this computer, enable this option to use them with DrawPad. Collect input from all touchpad devices If you want to draw from any and all input devices (mouse, touchpad, etc.), enable this option. If this option is disabled, DrawPad will only collect input from the Current Touchpad Device. Current Touchpad Device If you only want to collect input from one touchpad device, then select it from this drop-down list. If the device you select is pressure sensitive, you will see the message "This touchpad is pressure sensitive" displayed underneath the drop-down list. |