The App Search Dialog lets you search for various tools, models, and menu options in DreamPlan. You can open the App Search Dialog (if available) by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Q , or by clicking the searchbar in the upper right, typing a few letters of what you're searching for, and clicking "See more results..." Find Effect or Tool
Type a keyword you want to find or type a few letters of what you're searching for.
Search Button
Click the button to start searching.
Search Results
All related items to the search keyword will be displayed here. Sort the columns by clicking on the column headers. Click an item to automatically use it and know where to access it.
Feature - Name of tool, model or menu option.
Location - Feature's location within DreamPlan.
- Menu items have locations which look like "Menu - [submenus]". Click the menu button in the top left and follow the listed submenus to find a menu item.
- Tools have locations which look like "Toolbar - [tab]". Switch to the indicated tab at the top of the screen to find a tool. Clicking a tool will switch to its tab and switch to the tool, unless it is disabled.
- Catalog items have locations which look like "Catalog - [tool] - [category]". Switch to the indicated tool and expand the indicated category to find a catalog item. Clicking the result will do all that and also select the item for placement.