Creating new stories is done through the New Story window. The window can be opened with the "New Story..." button at the bottom of the story selection panel.The New Story window contains fields for creating a new story:
- Story Name: A name such as "Basement" or "3rd Floor" that identifies the purpose of the story. Any name can be entered, however duplicate names are not allowed.
- Wall Height: The height of the walls for the new story.
- Elevation: The elevation for the new story. If the new story is to be below ground level, such as a basement or garden level, enter a negative number for elevation.
Story Templates: A list of story templates is provided as an example of how to create stories. The templates can be used as a base for the new story.
Attaching to a Story: A new story can be attached to an existing story to automatically adjust the new story's elevation. The current stories is provided in a list to select from.
To attach the new story to a current story:
- Select the story from the list to attach to the new story to.
- Select the button "Add Above" or "Add Below" and the new story elevation will be adjusted to match the selected story.
- Select "NONE" in the list to detach the new story from any current story.