Architectural symbols allows us to specify important information pertaining to locations of common connections such as power outlets, telephone, cable. We can also specify location of wi-fi, keypad, security camera, etc.
Currently, there are 14 symbols available:
The scale of a symbol with respect to its original size. Symbols may be resize from 25% up to 300% of the original symbol size.
The angle of rotation of a symbol. Symbols can be rotated from 0° to 360°.
The color of the symbol. Symbol colors may be assigned by pre-defined and custom colors.
Begin by selecting a symbol from the treeview and then moving the mouse cursor onto the scene. Once the mouse cursor is positioned on the desired location click on the left mouse button to add the symbol.
A symbol can be added consecutively into the scene without clicking on the symbol again from the treeview. This can be performed by clicking on the left mouse button while holding the Shift key. Releasing the Shift key will end the consecutive symbol add operation.