The Check Options page provides options for configuring the appearance of checks. The positions entered here are measured in inches and are relative to the entire size of the page. If "Print Voucher" is selected, instead the positions are assumed to be relative to the portion of the page the check will be printed on.

To open this dialog, click the Options icon in the toolbar, and click the Check tab.

Text Placement (in.)

Date Position

The date position on the check, to align with the preprinted check by adjusting the positioning from the default position, in inches.

Supplier Name Position

The supplier's name position on the check, to align with the preprinted check by adjusting the positioning from the default position, in inches.

Supplier Address Position

The supplier's address position on the check, to align with the preprinted check by adjusting the positioning from the default position, in inches.

Amount Position

The amount position on the check, to align with the preprinted check by adjusting the positioning from the default position, in inches.

Spelled Amount Position

The spelled amount position on the check, to align with the preprinted check by adjusting the positioning from the default position, in inches.

Note Position

The notes position on the check, to align with the preprinted check by adjusting the positioning from the default position, in inches.

Company Logo

The position of your company logo, to align with the preprinted check by adjusting the positioning from the default position, in inches.

Company Name and Address

The position of your company's name and address, to align with the preprinted check by adjusting the positioning from the default position, in inches.

Display Check Fields

Show supplier's address

Select this to show the supplier's address on the check.

Show currency symbol

Select this to show the currency symbol if it is not already printed on your checks.

Show notes

Select this to show notes on the check.

Show currency name

Select this to show the currency name if it is not already printed on your checks.

Spell cents in words

Select this to translate the cents to words.

Show company logo

Select this to print your company's logo on the check.

Show company name and address

Select this to print your company's name and address on the check.

Print Voucher

Select this to print vouchers along with the check. Vouchers are a copy of the check along with a list of each transaction the check is paying for. These transactions are referenced either by purchase orders linked with the check, or by any manually entered reference numbers.

Check with one voucher or Check with two vouchers

These options split the check into equally sized portions (either one-half or one-third of the page), prints the check based on its selected position, and prints the vouchers on the remaining portions of the page.

Check on top, Check in middle, Check on bottom

Select which portion of the page the check should be printed on. Note that it cannot be printed in the middle when "Check with one voucher" is selected.

Preview Check

Click this button to save your settings and preview what the check will look like.