Use this screen to manage your items records. A list of all the items you have entered in Express Accounts is displayed here. To open the Items list, click the View menu and select Items.

Select (if available)

Use the select button to add the selected items to the items list.


Click the Add button on the toolbar to create a new item record.


To delete a item record, select the item(s) you wish to remove from the list, and click the Delete button on the toolbar.


Click the Edit button on the toolbar to edit the currently selected item record. You can only edit one supplier record at a time.

Print to

You can print the document by clicking the Print To button.
This will open the Select Report Value to Sort By dialog which allows you to choose which column to sort the Items by.
From here the View button will open the generated report with the choice to email, fax, print and save the report.

Item menu

In addition to the options on the toolbar, the Item menu also includes options for the following:

Find Item

Select this option to open the Find Item window. From here, enter the item name you want to search for to locate it in the list.

Find Next Item

Select this option to find the next item in the list with the last term searched for, or use the shortcut F3 to locate the next item in the list.

Import Items from CSV

To import items into Express Accounts from a CSV list, select this option.

Import Items from other Business

To import items from another Express Accounts business, select this option.