The Supplier dialog is where you enter or edit a supplier's contact information. When a supplier has been entered into Express Accounts, they will be available for selection in the Supplier drop-menu when creating purchase orders or paying bills. To create a new supplier record from the desktop version, click the View menu, select Suppliers, and click Add in the toolbar. To create a record from the web interface, click the Supplier Lists link, then click the Add New Supplier button at the top of the screen.

Supplier name:

Enter the business name of the supplier, such as Acme, Inc.

Contact person:

Enter the full name of your contact person in the supplier's company.

Contact first name:

This is the first name of the person you deal with, or the way you address them.


Enter the supplier's address.

Phone (primary):

This phone number can be used to call the supplier directly from Express Accounts, by clicking the Call button.

Phone (alternative):

Enter the supplier's alternate phone number.


This fax number is used for sending purchase orders by fax.


This email address is the one used for sending purchase orders by email, if email is the preferred method.

VAT registration number:

Supplier's VAT registration number

Set tax exempt for this supplier

Check this if you wish to not apply taxes on any transaction of this supplier.

Additional info:

Enter an additional information, such as ABN.

Payment terms: (if available)

Select the terms of payment which will appear by default on an accounts payable created for this supplier.