This dialog is used for entering or editing the field properties of a field in the report form. Every field generates an estimate (currency amount or text) to be substituted in the report. There are different types of fields, such as currency value (e.g., $125.99, $55.0), simple expression (e.g., Field1 + Field2), etc, described in more detail below. Each field contains four basic properties, which are described below.

Field name:

Enter a field name. A field name is required to substitute the estimated value in the Report Text section. Field names must be unique and different from other field names in a report. It must always start with an alphabetic character and contain only alpha-numeric characters. Symbols such as /\<>|*? and spaces are not allowed. For example: ABC, Field1, a12, line1, and TotalAssets are valid field names; however, 123, 1a, 2?, $total, line_1, my field, etc. are invalid field names.

Field type:

Select a field type from the pull-down list. Each field type is described below:

Currency Value: This can be used for entering a specific amount or value. E.g., $12, 123.45, etc.

Account Balance: This is the most important field as it can be used to extract account balances from Express Accounts. See the 'Field value' section below for examples.

Simple Expression: This allows user to perform arithmetic operations. The allowed operators are +, -, *, and / for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division respectively. E.g., Field1 + Field2 gives you sum of existing fields Field1 and Field2.

Comparison Expression: This can be used to compare two different field values or expressions, and then to enter an amount in the report based on the comparison. See the 'Field value' section below for examples.

True/False Value: This can be used for entering a boolean type (True/False, Yes/No) value in the report. This can be very useful for checkboxes and answering Yes/No type questions in the report form. See the 'Field value' section below for examples.

Rounding: This can be used for rounding an expression or amount in the report form. See the 'Field value' section below for examples.

Field value:

Enter a field value. The format for field value differs with field type. However, it is recommended to click the Edit Value button to enter the field value, except for currency and simple expression types when the button is disabled. Formats for some field types are explained below:

Account Balance: "[Account number/type]:[PERIODSTART]:[PERIODEND]" It is strongly recommended you click the Edit Value button to enter or edit this field value, so that you don't have to worry about typing the format correctly.
E.g., typing 4110:PERIODSTART:PERIODEND gives you the balance of account number 4110 for the date period defined on main window of the report form. PERIODSTART always begins 00:00:00th hours of the start day and PERIODEND ends 23:59:59 (i.e. last second) of the day. You can also get the account balance for different date periods, e.g., 4110:2013-01-01:2013-12-31. Date formats entered here must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. Similarly, 1110:PERIODSTART: gives you the balance of account number 1110 at the start (00:00:00th hour) of defined start date and, 1110::PERIODEND gives you the balance of account number 1110 at the end (23:59:59th hour) of defined end date.

Comparison Expression: "[Left expression]:[Comparison operator]:[Right expression]":[True state expression]:[False state expression] It is strongly recommended you click the Edit Value button to enter or edit this field value, so that you don't have to worry about typing the format correctly.
E.g., Field1:>:Field2:Field1:Field2 decodes to - "If Field1 is greater than Field2, then the field value is Field1, or else field value is Field2."

True/False Value: "[0/1]:[Text]"
E.g., 1:Yes can be used to answer a form question with a 'Yes' text value. Similarly, 0:N answers the form question with letter 'N'.

Rounding: "[Rounding rule]:[Rounding interval]:[expression]" It is strongly recommended you click the Edit Value button to enter or edit this field value, so that you don't have to worry about typing the format correctly.
E.g., U:1.00:5.45 rounds up 5.45 to 6.00. Similarly, D:1.00:5.45 rounds down 5.45 to 5.00, and u:1.00:Field1 rounds Field1 to the closest dollar value, if the value is in middle of interval, it rounds up.

Field description:

This is an optional field. Enter text that would best describe the field, or any personal note about the field you'd like to remember. This field will not be displayed in the field or the report.