The Web Access interface looks much different than the main interface of Express Accounts, but does allow users with Administrator and User privileges to accomplish the same tasks as within the main interface.

Main Screen

The main screen contains links to any part of Express Accounts you may need to access. To return to this screen from anywhere in the web interface, click the Main link in the upper right corner at any time.

The upper right corner of the main screen contains links to log the user off, and to view the help documentation to Express Accounts. All help files refer to the main interface of Express Accounts, but both interfaces use the same labels and terminology. Under those links, Express Accounts displays the user who is currently logged on, and which business the user is currently viewing.

The main area of the web interface is the control panel. It contains links for tasks Express Accounts, including:

The right sidebar, labeled Actions, contains quick-access links to the most common tasks used in Express Accounts, including: