The kinds of media to which you can Burn your project are DVDs, and Blu-rays.
You are also able to burn your project to this media in two different ways.
Video Discs
The project is exported in the format by which consumer devices will be able to play your video.
That is, as a normal DVD or Blu-ray.
Data Discs
The project will be exported as a file. Which will appear on the DVD or Blu-ray you are burning it to.
Unlike a normal video disc, some consumer devices may not be able to play your video, or you may need to navigate device specific menus to find, and play them.
This is similar to inserting a USB device into your media player, if it supports that feature.
You can begin the Burning process by selecting a DVD or Blu-ray options from one of the following locations:
Click the Save Video drop down button and select appropriate menu item.
Click the Save Video... menu item and in the wizard that opens, select Disc, then the required disc types.
After making your selections on the Choose Disc Settings dialog, click Create, and follow any onscreen prompts.