The Customer Statements dialog allows you to select multiple customers to generate statements for within a certain time period. There are five methods for generating statements: print, print preview, email, fax, or saving as a PDF. The method you choose will apply to every customer selected in the list.

Customer Filter

Check All

Check this box if you want to select or deselect all customers

Select Customers:

This is the list of the customers that Express Invoice will generate statements for.

Sort by Date

If this checkbox is selected, then the invoices on statements will be sorted by date instead of invoice number.

Select Period

Automatically use month or oldest due

If this option is selected, the date will be the earlier of this month (if more than half way), last month, or one month prior to the oldest invoice due date.

Enter statement period

If this option is selected, you can explicitly enter the period for the invoice.

Start date:

Enter the date (inclusive) from which transactions are shown on statements, or select the start date from the calendar icon.

End date:

Enter the date (inclusive) to which transactions are shown on statements, or select the end date from the calendar icon.


Check this option to Print the statements selected.

Print Preview

Check this option to show a print preview of the statements selected.


Check this option to send the statements selected to an email address.


Check this option to send the selected statements through fax.

Save as PDF

Check this option to save a copy of the statements selected as PDF documents.