Screen References - Main Screen

Express Project

Help v 1.12

The main window is divided into two sections, the Gantt chart and the data panel.

Gantt Chart

The Gantt chart is a bar chart that illustrates the project's schedule. Each bar on the chart represents a discrete task.

In addition to a unique name, each task displayed on the Gantt chart may have dependencies on other tasks, which are shown as black lines connected between the tasks.

The color of a task's bar indicates its status in regards to the Critical Path. If a task may be delayed without prolonging project completion or violating a user-imposed constraint, it will be displayed in blue. If a task is considered to be on a Critical Path, it will be displayed in red.

If a task's completion can be delayed without impacting another task, it is said to have slack (or float). The amount of slack a task has is represented by a grey line extending from the task bar.

Resources specifically assigned to a task will be listed on the same line as the task bar, along with the percent of that resource's time that is committed to the task for its duration.

The project start date is represented with a vertical line drawn in green. Today's date is marked with a yellow vertical line. The project deadline displays as a dark blue vertical line, while the project end date is marked with a purple vertical line.

For printing and presentation, the Gantt Chart may be exported to a PDF file by selecting the Export Gantt Chart to PDF option in the Project menu.

Data Panel

The data panel consists of three lists, one each for Tasks, Resources, and Schedules. Each entry in the list contains a summary of the details defined for that element. Selected Tasks, Resources, and Schedules may be deleted by selecting the Delete command from their respective menus.

The data panel also contains the panels for creating and editing all elements related to the project, which will appear only once you have selected to create or edit a task, resource or schedule.

Screen References - Main Screen© NCH Software
NCH Software