Open Find and Play by clicking the Find and Play (Ctrl + F) button in the toolbar. The Find and Play screen has a file list of all available recordings in the current directory. You can change directories by selecting Use alternative recordings folder at the bottom of the screen and then browsing to the desired location.
You can select multiple recordings by holding down the Shift or Ctrl key while you select the list items.
Click on the Play (F9) button to play the selected recording. The file will be played using your default player, normally Windows Media Player.
Select one or more files from the Find and Play list and click on the Burn button to open up Express Burn and create a CD of the selected audio files. If you do not have Express Burn you can learn more and download it from
Click the Delete (Delete) button to delete the selected recordings from your hard drive.
Click the Save To (Ctrl + S) button to save the selected files to your hard drive.
Click the Open Folder (Ctrl + O) button to open the Recordings folder in Windows Explorer.
Click the Burn (Ctrl + B) button to burn the selected recordings to CD-ROM using Express Burn.
Click the Convert (Ctrl + C) button to convert the selected recordings to a different file format using Prism.
The Refresh (F5) button (far bottom of the window) is used to recheck your recordings folder and load any new recordings into the list.
Press Escape to close the dialog.
Press Select All (Ctrl + A) to select all the recordings in the list.
The view filter allows you to select a range of files based on camera, duration or date.