In this dialogue you specify actions to take when motion is detected by a camera.
Email Address for motion detection notifications
When motion is detected, the details will be sent to this email address if the option "Email motion detection notifications" in the Motion Settings dialog is enabled. The Motion Settings dialog is found from the Cameras tab of Options by selecting a camera from the list, clicking the Properties button, and clicking the Motion Settings button. To cancel attempts to send emails, you can select Tools->Clear Backup Queue.
Email Settings
This will open email setting dialog to configure how to send the email.
Email Template
This will open email template dialog to configure the template for the email subject and body.
Attach picture
If the option is enabled, the snapshot picture will be attached to the email.
Log motion to master log
When motion is detected a log entry will be added to the master log file and displayed in the status window (lower part of the main screen).
Execute external command if motion is detected
When motion is detected, an external program will be run. For example, it may used to: - send icq/aim notification message by using gpl's icq/aim command line client (console) - generate network message: net send IP Motion Detected in your room - play alarm: winamp.exe alarm.mp3
Play a sound if motion is detected
When motion is detected, a sound will be played. If this option is enabled but no sound file is specified, a default system sound will be played. Note: The sound must be in .wav format.
Motion Start Delay
This value indicates how long Eyeline will wait after one of the motion detections (send email or log) and before it will generate another. A value of 0 (zero) means it will not wait and immediately generate another.
Extra Motion Time
When motion is detected, the value indicates how long Eyeline will save to the video before and after motion detected.