
Enter the keyword you wish to type into your document or application to mark the place where the picture will be inserted.

The keyword will be detected when you type a space or punctuation mark before and after the keyword or begin a new line.
The keyword may have any combination of letters and numbers as well as any of the following characters:

/ \ ~ ` @ # $ % ^ & * _ - = |

Note: The keyword is not case sensitive.

Import: This button brings up a file browser where you can select an image to import. Image

This is the source image that will be inserted. This must be a valid file on your computer and must be a JPEG, PNG, BMP, or GIF.

Image Dimensions

These are the original dimensions of the source image.

Output Dimensions

These will be the dimensions of the image when it is inserted into your document.

Preview Button

This brings up another window for a better look at the picture you are turning into a shortcut.