
Enter the keyword you wish to type into your document or application to mark the place where the expansion will be inserted.

The keyword will be detected when you type a space or punctuation mark before and after the keyword or begin a new line.
The keyword may have any combination of letters and numbers as well as any of the following characters:

/ \ ~ ` @ # $ % ^ & * _ - = |

Import Text: This button brings up a file browser where you can select a text document to import. The contents of that document will appear in the editing window. Delete Text: This button clears all text in the editing window.

Note: The keyword is not case sensitive.

You may also copy and paste text with its formatting into this window to maintain any formatting you have already applied. If you need to format text before you save the shortcut, however, you can use the bold, italics, underline, strikeout, and color and font size buttons provided in this window.


"Rich Text" (formatted) expansions handle Rich Text Formatted (RTF) text that can have formatting information such as color, boldness and fonts included.
Formatted text may be pasted in from other documents or applications or it may be loaded directly from a RTF file.