Screen References - New Job Wizard ~ Files

FileFort Backup

Help v 3.31

Choosing what to back up

On this dialog you select the files and/or folders you wish to back up.
Click the Add Folder button to select a folder to add.
Click the Add File button to select a single file to add.
The Remove Selected button will remove the selected file/folder from the list of files to back up.

Hidden files and folders will not be backed up.

Inclusion and Exclusion Rules

If there are any patterns in the include text box, only files matching that pattern will be included in the backup.
If there are any patterns in the exclude text box, all files matching that pattern will be excluded even if they match an included pattern.
If there is a value in the exclude files larger than text box, any files larger than this value (in megabytes) will be excluded.

Checking the exclude video checkbox will exclude all files matching the following patterns: "*.3g2; *.3gp; *.asf; *.asx; *.avi; *.flv; *.mov; *.mp4; *.mpg; *.rm; *.swf; *.vob; *.wmv"
Checking the exclude audio checkbox will exclude all files matching the following patterns: "*.aac; *.aif; *.iff; *.m3u; *.mid; *.midi; *.mp3; *.mpa; *.ra; *.wav; *.wma"
Checking the exclude image checkbox will exclude all files matching the following patterns: "*.fif; *.gif; *.ief; *.ifs; *.jpeg; *.jpg; *.jpe; *.jfif; *.pjpeg; *.pjp; *.png; *.tiff; *.tif; *.dwg; *.svf; *.wi; *.bmp; *.pcd; *.ras; *.pnm; *.pbm; *.pgm; *.ppm; *.rgb; *.xbm; *.xpm; *.xwd"

Screen References - New Job Wizard ~ Files© NCH Software
NCH Software