Manual (right-click on files in the folder and select Fling->Upload)
When the Manual option has been selected, folder will only be updated when you select one of the Fling options from the file's right-click context menu: "Fling->Download", "Fling->Upload" or "Fling->Delete". To do this, go to the folder and right-click the file. In the context menu that appears, select one of the Fling options to perform either an upload, download or delete.
Automatic (transfer files when a change is detected)
When the Automatic option is selected, as soon as any file changes within the local folder that file will be transferred to the remote folder.
Scan for Changes at a Preset Interval
When the Scan option is selected, Fling will regularly scan the folder for any changes and transfer any changed or new files at the interval you specify.
Check Interval in Minutes:
If the Scan mode has been selected, designate how many minutes Fling should wait between scans.
Scan Folder on Demand (click Scan to transfer all new changes)
When the Scan on Demand option is selected, Fling will scan the selected folder for any changes when you click the Scan icon in the toolbar.