Otherwise, if you know the length of the movie you want to capture, you can set up Golden Videos to stop recording after the specified amount of time.
Video DurationI know the duration of my video
If you know the duration of your video, make sure this radio button is selected. Enter the duration of your video into the box.
The duration is used to automatically stop the video after recording for that length of time. It is also used to calculate DVD bitrate (this affects the video quality) if you are burning to a DVD.
I do not know the duration of my video
If you are not sure about the video's duration, it is best to select this option. Otherwise, you risk cutting off the end of your video.
Select this checkbox if you want Golden Videos to detect the end of movie and stop recording when the screen is idle (still) and there is only silent audio captured.
Input the number of seconds the idle screen should last. The default value is 30 seconds. Golden Videos will stop the recording if the image is unchanged and there is no sound for this amount of time.
Stop recording if static fills the screenSelect this checkbox if you want Golden Videos to try detecting the end of movie by the static screen of the VCR.
Input the number of seconds the static screen should last. The default value is 30 seconds. Golden Videos will stop the recording if the video is static screen for this amount of time.