Main Window - Manipulating Time Sheet Entries

HourGuard Time Sheet

Help v 1.53

The Time Sheet panel on the main window shows the time sheet for the selected day. The blue Left and Right arrow buttons change the current selected day to the previous day or the next day accordingly.

There is also a calendar available for selecting the date of the time sheet to display. Clicking the down arrow on the date display to the left of the two blue arrows will show a calendar for the month of the current selected day. Right and left arrows on this calendar allow you to scroll forward or backward a month at a time

Adding a new entry, and editing or deleting a selected entry are done by clicking on the "New Entry", "Edit Entry" or "Delete Entry" options accordingly from the TimeSheet menu. You can also right click any item in the Time Sheet list and make the same menu option choices from the periods list context menu. A new entry may also be added by clicking the New Entry button on the toolbar.

A new entry will be added to the time sheet automatically after "real-time" task tracking stops.

Note: When the "Delete" command is used, HourGuard deletes ALL currently selected time sheet entries.

Main Window - Manipulating Time Sheet Entries© NCH Software
NCH Software