Select an account and specify a period. Please click here for additional information on exporting to Express Invoice.
Generate Invoice for Account
Select Account:
Select the account for the invoice.
Select task:
Select the task to be reported under the selected Account Name. If All accounts are selected or if no tasks exist under the Account Name, the menu will be disabled.
Generate Invoice for Period
Select Period:
Select the period for the invoice. Fixed period choices available are this month, last month, this year or last year. Or you can choose Select and then enter any Start Date and End Date you like in the boxes below for the period of the report.
Start date:
Enter the date (inclusive) that the report period will start from. Clicking the down arrow will display a calendar from which the start date for the report can be selected.
End date:
Enter the date (inclusive) that the report period will end on. Clicking the down arrow will display a calendar from which the end date for the report can be selected.