Regional Format Settings
Currency symbol:
This is the symbol used for money in your country - usually $.
Currency order:
Use this option to select if the currency symbol is before the number (e.g., $10.00) or after the number (e.g., 10.00$).
Currency digits:
Use this option to specify how many digits are used to represent the decimal fraction of a currency value (e.g., 2 -> $10.00).
Decimal symbol:
This is the symbol used for the decimal point - usually a dot everywhere but in Europe where a comma is used.
Thousands symbol:
This is the symbol used to separate thousands - usually a comma.
Paper size:
This is the paper size used for pdf generation and when the default printer is used.
Send Settings
Email Settings...
Please refer to Knowledge Base Articles - Problems when sending email using our software for more information.
Fax Settings...
Change fax settings.
This is the Hotkey for easily starting and stopping the current task.