HourGuard is used to track your or your employees working time. In order to start using HourGuard you need to create an account for a customer. Then you need to create tasks that you will be performing for that customer. Cut a big task down to different small tasks using the tasks tree structure of a Base Task and its Sub Tasks. You can mark a task Complete or Closed. You can then start and stop the tasks using the buttons etc, and then the times will be recorded and the amounts calculated. You can also use the Time Sheet list to record the periods of time spent working during a day. It shows working period entries (time sheet items) for the date that has been set in the Date field of the main window. You can enter working periods into the Time Sheet for a day either as period start and end times, or just as the working period's total duration. You can add a description of each working period in a "Notes" field. Current tracking status and task names are displayed in the lower section of HourGuard's window, under the Time Sheet list.