This tab is used to enter details about your business or company. Most of the information is printed on each report. If you don't want the information printed you can leave the fields blank.

Company Details

Business Name:

Enter the official name of the business (eg. Acme Corporation, Inc).

Registered Number:

In many countries, each business has an official number. Please enter it here.


Enter the address of your business as you want it to be printed on reports.

Shipping Address:

Enter the shipping address of your business as you want to be printed on reports.

Contact Details:

Enter the contact details you want on reports. For example, phone, fax and email address.

Logo Image File:

To add your logo to reports you can select the file path to a jpg image.

Logo Height:

The logo height field determines the size of your logo when it is printed. The logo will be stretched or shrunken so it matches that height while still maintaining the correct aspect ratio.

Send Settings

Email Settings...

Please refer to Knowledge Base Articles - Problems when sending email using our software for more information.

Fax Settings...

Click the Fax Settings button to set up a gateway for sending faxes from Inventoria on your computer.