Fill in the details for the order.

Order Supplier

Choose the Supplier from the pull down list.

Issue Date

The date of issuing the order.

Expected Receipt Date

The expected date of receiving the order.


Tax, that applies to this order.

Ship to(location)

Location, where the order should be shipped.

Bill To

Information about who will take care of the bill.

Ship To

The address of ship-to location.

Tracking Ref#

Tracking Reference number of the order.

Ship by

The company or service which was used for shipping.

Order Items

This is the list of items on the order. Click on the Add button to add a new item, or double-click in the list area to add an item and click the different cells to select different values for the item.

Click Remove to delete an item from the list.


This is the sales tax and total display. If you think the sales tax calculation is wrong, please see the Tax tab of Options.


Order Notes

These notes are printed on the bottom of the Order.

Internal Notes

These are notes for internal use only they are not printed on the Order.

Add, edit, and delete functionality is restricted for users with viewer-only privileges. Also, once an order has been received, it is no longer editable.