Regional Format Settings

Currency Symbol:

This is the symbol used for money in your country - usually $.

Currency Order:

Use this option to select if the currency symbol is before the number (eg. $10.00) or after the number (eg. 10.00$).

Currency Digits:

Use this option to set the number of digits after the decimal point.

Decimal Symbol:

This is the symbol used for the decimal point - usually a dot everywhere but in Europe where a comma is used.

Thousands Symbol:

This is the symbol used to separate thousands - usually a comma.

Number of Decimal Places For Quantity:

This is the number of digits that will appear to the right of the decimal place when displaying quantities. Note that this does not apply to currency amounts.

Printed Date Format:

This is the date format used for printing or pdf generation

Paper Size:

This is the paper size used for pdf generation and when the default printer is used.

Measurement Units:

This is the units used for measurements, either inches or millimeters.


These define the size of the space surrounding the content of a printed page. The smaller margins are, the larger the report size will be.

Side Margin:

Left and right margins may be adjusted by typing a number in inches into the side margin field.

Top and Bottom Margin:

Top and bottom margins may be adjusted by typing a number in inches into the top and bottom margin field.

Shipping Address Position:

The position where the shipping address appears on the quote can be adjusted using these settings. For example, if you want the shipping address to fit exactly in a window face envelope you can adjust the position.

Billing Address Position:

The position where the address appears on the quote can be adjusted using these settings. For example if you want the billing address to fit exactly in a window face envelope you can adjust the position.

Advanced Settings...

Click the Advanced Settings button to view settings for CSV files and Inventoria Synchronization.