The Voice Prompt Settings can be found both from the Web Console under the "Voice Prompts" Tab and in the application settings under the "Prompts" tab. These tabs display a list of all the voice prompts that are used by IVM (e.g. reading a number back to a caller). From this list you can listen to or change any of the voice prompts.

To change a prompt, click on the 'Change' icon for the prompt you want to change, which will open the "change prompt" window. Here you can then choose to upload a new wav or mp3 file, synthesize text to speech, or restore the default file.

Advanced Option - multiple sets of prompts

If you need two sets of prompts (for example one English and another French) create a copy of the System Prompts folder (C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\System Prompts) somewhere else on your hard drive (e.g. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\French Prompts). Then at any point during the call to 'switch on' French call use the variable SystemPromptsFolder. In the Advanced tab of OGM Properties in the "Set local call variable" field enter "SystemPromptsFolder=C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\NCH Swift Sound\IVM\French Prompts".