Caller ID Notification

These options will notify you of the caller's number whenever a call is received by IVM. These notification are for the machine IVM is set up on only and will not notify other machines that may be connected with the call attendant features.

To use caller ID with normal telephone lines:

  1. Voice modem/telephony card must support caller ID (not all do).
  2. The phone company must send caller ID information (sometimes you need to pay your phone company for this feature).
  3. If you are using a PBX extension, your PBX must carry the caller ID to the IVM extension.
  4. You must answer after 2 rings (the caller ID information is carried between the first and second ring).

All VoIP systems support caller id.

Flash Caller ID of incoming call on screen

When this option is ticked, IVM will display the caller number and name of any caller as a bubble on the tray of the task bar whenever the phone rings so you can know who is calling. It does this even when IVM is in Off mode.

Announce Caller Name through Speakers

When this option is ticked, IVM will 'say' the caller number and name of any caller through the speakers whenever the phone rings so you can know who is calling. It does this even when IVM is in Off mode. The voice that is used for reading the caller's name and number can be selected from the drop down menu. If you don't see any voices in the pull down list it means you do not have a speech engine installed. You can download one of the text-to-speech engines using the links at Also the Microsoft engine is free.

Speak caller's number as digits

Some speech engines may normally say the number as a whole number rather than list of digits, tick this option to force the caller's number to be said as a list of digits.

Caller Blocking

When this option is ticked, IVM will treat some numbers differently based on caller ID. When a call comes in from a blocked ID IVM can either disconnect the call immediately or answer with a special OGM.

Block Numbers - You can enter a comma separated list of numbers to block here.

Use CSV File - If you have a large number of different numbers to block or if you want to manage your block list from an external program you can have IVM read the list of blocked numbers from a CSV file.

Block private or unknown numbers - This option will block calls from unlisted, restricted and otherwise blocked or private numbers.