Options - Sounds

KeyBlaze Typing Tutor

Help v 4.02

Sound Assignments
You can configure what sounds are played when awards are received and when mistakes are made in the Sounds page of the Options dialog. A list of events is displayed with the currently assigned sound and default sound for each.
  • Assign a sound by selecting from the dropdown list in the "Assigned Sound" column for the selected event.
  • You can preview a sound by selecting a sound for an event and pressing the "Preview Selected Sound" button.
  • You can reset all assigned sounds to their defaults by pressing the "Reset to Defaults" button.
Play Award Sounds
  • Select this option to have KeyBlaze play sounds when awards are received.
Play Error Sounds
  • Select this option to have KeyBlaze play sounds when mistakes are made.

Options - Sounds© NCH Software
NCH Software