
KeyBlaze Typing Tutor

Help v 4.02

After each lesson, practice drill, or test, results will be displayed in the task dialog about your typing statistics, including duration, net WPM, the number of errors and number of corrections made.

In addition, results reports are saved in the folder you specified in options with the following statistics:


The date the exercise was completed.


The number of seconds taken to complete the exercise.

Words typed

For the purposes of calculating typing speeds, every five characters typed are counted as one word.

Gross words per minute (Gross WPM)

Equals the number of typed words divided by the number of minutes taken to complete the exercise.

Gross keystrokes per hour (Gross KPH for keypad exercises)

Equals gross words per minute times 300.

Corrections made

The number of times the backspace key was used.

Incorrect words

The number of words with mistyped characters.

Net words per minute (Net WPM)

Equals the gross WPM minus one point for every mistake.

Net keystrokes per hour (Net KPH for keypad exercises)

Equals net words per minute times 300.

Best words per minute (Best WPM)

The best WPM to date.

Best keystrokes per hour (Best KPH)

The best KPH to date.

Best accuracy

Equals the number of corrections made divided by the number of characters typed. The number of errors is not used because, if a correction is made, it is not counted as an error.


Awards are given based on both speed and accuracy. To receive an award, you must have at least 84% accuracy. Speed and accuracy are equally important in determining which award you will receive. A sound will be played if you receive an award. Play Award Sounds is selected in Options ~ Sounds.

In the results tab, you can see:

  • Your WPM Goal, Best WPM / KPH and Best Accuracy.
  • Your high scores for keyboard and numeric keypad tests
  • Progress reports from lessons
  • Line graphs of the results of lessons, tests, and games.
  • The titles of the previous exercise and the next exercise in the course.

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NCH Software