Face Normals

The following options will modify the orientation of the faces in regard the inside/outside surfaces of the object.

Note: When the Backface Culling, found on the View Tab, is set to Do not cull anything faces with their normals pointing inwards will appear black, whereas when the Backface Culling mode is set to Cull backfaces then they will appear transparent. When the Backface Culling mode is set to Draw double sided then reversed faces will still be rendered with their full color.

Invert Normals: Select this option to invert the normals for each face on the select objects. Inverting the normals will flip the direction of the face in regards to which side is treated as its outside surface. This does not change the winding order of the triangles that make up object, that is, it does not change the order of the vertices that make up each triangle.

Recalculate Normals: Select this option recalculate the normals of the faces based on the clockwise winding order of the triangles on the selected objects.

Reverse Winding: Select this option to reverse the current winding order of the faces on the selected objects. Note that this will reverse the normals as well.

This will actually will turn the object inside out since it changes both the triangle winding order as well as the direction of the face normals.

Mesh Operations

The following tools allow you to perform operations on the selected objects.

Duplicate Objects: Select this option to create copies of the selected objects. The new objects will be placed next to their originals.

Group Objects: Select this option to join the selected objects in to a single object.

Split Objects: Select this option to split the selected objects in to their separate meshes.

Cleanup: Select this option to cleanup the mesh objects.

Boolean Operations

The following tools allow you to perform boolean operations on the selected objects.

Intersection: Choose this option to reduce the selected meshes to a single mesh which represents the intersection of all the selected meshes. Intersection may also be referred to as "A AND B".

Subtract: Choose this option to cut away from the first selected mesh all the remaining meshes. Subtraction may also be referred to as "A NOT B".

Union: Choose this option to create a single mesh which is formed from the surfaces of all the selected meshes. Union may also be referred to as "A OR B".

File Format Converter

3D Converter: Select this option to run Spin 3D to convert the currently opened model to any supported 3D file format. Note that a copy of the currently opened model will be transferred to Spin 3D including all of the unsaved edits.